Quick & Easy Green Address Bar SSL Approval
Simple guidelines to ensure a speedy issuance of EV SSL
At RapidSSLonline.com, we're here to make getting an EV SSL certificate a breeze! With our expert help & guidance, we make it simple and extremely possible for you to activate the green address bar on your website. If you don’t want to call our validation experts at 727.388.1333, you can read a few of our suggestions for an easy EV application/validation process that will speed up verification and the issuance of your premium EV SSL to unlock your green address bar of envy.
Submit the Extended Validation Terms of Agreement Form
The first part of this process is easy and it entails the issuing Certificate Authority (CA), i.e. GeoTrust®, emailing what is called an EV Acknowledgement of Agreement Form to the certificate applicants after enrollment. A qualified organizational contact must complete online, or sign and fax or mail it back to the CA via snail mail.
Identity Vetting or Authentication Requirements
So, this part is the real meat & potatoes of the EV process, this is really what it's all about. The issuing CA simply needs to confirm your business's identity & physical/operational existence with your government and that you actually own the domain in question. Follow these guides for each part of the identity vetting process, and you should be well on your way to that green address bar.

Quick Telephone Verification Call
The next part of the process is quite simple, basically a qualified organizational contact will need to be available for a brief 2 minute phone call where a CA representative will ask a few basic & simple questions. What is extremely important to remember is that they MUST call a number listed in a pre-approved public telephone directory or the one listed on the professional opinion letter (POL). You also need to make sure that your potential organizational contact is completely aware and is expecting a very short & simple phone call, otherwise this will create an annoying delay. CAs don’t like playing phone tag, who does? Per the stringent CA/B Forum EV guidelines, this contact has to be reached at a publicly listed number from:
- Public telephone listing from a pre-approved directory (i.e. Yellow Pages or Dun & Bradstreet)
- Professional opinion letter (POL)
Just to ease your mind, here are the questions they will be asked on the brief call:
- 1Does the certificate contact (Site Admin) listed actually have the authority to request the certificate for the company?
- 2If it applies, does this contact have the authorization to delegate SSL certificate responsibilities to the appropriate personnel?
- 3Are you aware that the company owns and has the right to use the domain in question?
- 4Do you simply approve of this
SSL certificate request?
- 5Do you acknowledge the signature and terms of the EV Acknowledgement of Agreement Form?
It will seriously not even take 2 minutes to complete and then BOOM, you have an EV certificate sent directly to your technical contact via email and ready to be installed.
Alternative Method: Do a Professional Opinion Letter
This is only a necessary option if you are having trouble with the other preferred methods. Getting a Professional Opinion Letter or POL will almost satisfy all of the EV requirements and have your cert issued in no time. All you have to do is get your Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or your attorney/lawyer to write you an opinion letter verifying all of the pertinent details in question. It may cost you a little bit of extra money, but it’s worth it for that green address bar of gold. The professional writing the letter must be practicing in one of two locations:
- In the actual office of the requesting organization's incorporation; or,
- From the area or location where the requesting organization has an office.
For your convenience, we put together some templates that your CPA or lawyer can use to streamline this process, but more importantly save them time and you money. View the Professional Opinion Letter templates now.
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