EV Help: Domain Ownership Requirements
How a Certificate Authority (CA) validates a domain
Since Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates are the most premium SSL options in the industry, their vetting process is understandably the most thorough for all of the right reasons. One important part of the validation process is that the actual domain registration details must reflect the full organization name as included on the original certificate request. So, your organization name must be listed on the certificate request exactly as it is found in your Whois record.
Please see the below image of RapidSSLonline.com's Whois record for reference. Because RapidSSLonline.com is a part of Rapid Web Services, LLC in order to get our own EV SSL, we had to reenroll with "Rapid Web Services, LLC," in the certificate request, since that is the full, legal, registered company name and then you can see in our Whois lookup, you'll see we had to make sure it matched. You will also notice that the same name is listed in the green address bar at the top of your browser. Everything MUST match everywhere, otherwise, the EV process will be delayed.