There is no better option when securing multiple websites than an EV Multi-Domain SSL Certificate
There are high-value SSL Certificates.
There are highly versatile SSL Certificates.
And then there are EV Multi-Domain SSL Certificates, which offer the best of both worlds. If you’re a business that’s managing a portfolio of websites and you’re looking to encrypt them while also giving them the highest level of authentication, then the EV Multi-Domain SSL Certificate is the ultimate option.
Let’s take a quick look at the myriad benefits of EV Multi-Domain SSL.
EV Multi-Domain SSL Saves Money
If you’re managing a portfolio of websites that all need encrypting, you have a couple of options. You can purchase an individual SSL Certificate for each site—something that’s going to cost you a pretty penny. Or you could go the smart route and encrypt them all on a single Multi-Domain SSL Certificate.
Multi-Domain SSL Certificates, depending on which one you opt to go with, can secure anywhere from 25 to 100 websites on a single certificate. You start by encrypting your main domain, or FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) and then add additional domains as SANs (Subject Alternative Names).
Most Multi-Domain SSL Certificates come with several SANs packaged in with it—usually 2-4. Each additional SAN must be purchased at the time the Certificate Signing Request is generated. Now, you may think purchasing additional SANs drives up the cost quite a bit – and it can – but compared to what you would pay buying single domain certificates for each domain you’re saving quite a bit of money. Go ahead, crunch the numbers, you’ll be able to tell pretty quickly which option is the better deal.
Multi-Domain EV SSL Saves Time
Multi-Domain EV SSL Certificates don’t just save you money, either. No, they also save you considerable time. Think about it, if you were to buy a single domain SSL Certificate for each one of your domains you would have to spend time ordering each one, generating a CSR for each one and then installing each one.
Not so with a Multi-Domain SSL Certificate. Rather than keeping track of dozens of orders and installations, you just have to worry about one certificate. Just take the time to generate an accurate CSR, go through the vetting process so that the Certificate Authority can validate you, and install one single certificate. Voila! You’ve just saved considerable time and administrative resources.
And that’s not all, SSL Certificates have a viability period of 1-3 years—you’re going to have renewed it eventually. If you installed single domain SSL Certificates on all of your websites you’re going to be left tracking the renewal dates of multiple certificates whereas you could just use a single Multi-Domain SSL Certificate and you would only have to worry about renewing once.
It just makes life so much easier on your IT department.
EV Multi-Domain SSL Offers the Highest Level of Authentication
The best part of an EV Multi-Domain SSL Certificate is it provides the highest level of authentication for all of your websites. We say it all the time but trust is absolutely vital on the internet. Your customers have to trust you before they’ll do business with you.
And nothing inspires more trust than having an Extended Validation SSL Certificate. Not only do they provide the most business details when someone checks out your certificate information, but they unlock an unmistakable visual indicator: the green address bar. Nothing is going to make your customers trust you more than seeing your company’s name and country of origin written in green up in the address bar next to your URL.
And buying an EV Multi-Domain SSL Certificate creates that level of trust on every single one of your websites. Boom! Not only have you encrypted your entire portfolio of sites but you’ve also inspired confidence in your customer base by putting extended validation on each one of them too.
Multi-Domain EV SSL is a Great Option for Any Business
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a big business or a small one, an EV Multi-Domain SSL Certificate is an ideal way to encrypt all of your websites.
Think about it, you would spend a boatload buying an Extended Validation SSL Certificate for each one of your domains. Plus, you have to worry about CSRs, installations and renewal dates. An EV Multi-Domain SSL Certificate simplifies everything. You save a ton of money, get the highest level of authentication and reduce administrative needs. You’ve heard of a win-win. This is a win-win-win.
Purchase a GeoTrust True BusinessID EV Multi-Doman SSL and Save 26%
Really, compared to EV Multi-Domain SSL—why would you want to go with anything else?
Understand SAN Certificate Vs Wildcard SSL Certificate