Top Trusted Certificate Authority/CA List Explained

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The Norton Secured Site seal is no longer offered starting Oct. 16, 2023.

Everything you needed to know about the top Certificate Authority/CA certificate in the industry

In this highly competitive market, there are a lot of certificate authorities vying for the users’ attention. In order to help you decide which are the most reliable and trustworthy, we’ve compiled a trusted certificate authority list.

Top 4 Trusted Certificate Authority List

In this certificate authority list, we’ll show you which certificates are the safest, most reasonable, and most reliable. Read on for a list of trusted certificate authorities.


DigiCert provides 2048-bit SSL certificates complete with a Norton Secured Seal on the website and priority support. They also provide a CertCentral® Management Platform that makes it easy for webmasters to guard their websites by automating and controlling every aspect of the certificate’s lifecycle. Furthermore, DigiCert provides certification to reputable sites like PayPal and Verizon as well.

Their StandardSSL Certificate starts at $188/yr and their advanced wildcard SSL Certificate starts at $625/yr.


RapidSSL certificates are reasonable and known for their quick service. They can be issued within a few minutes, are compatible with over 99% of all browsers, and they come insured with a $10,000 warranty.

A basic RapidSSL certificate starts at just $14.95/yr and an advanced Wildcard certificate costs $130/yr.


GeoTrust is the world’s second largest SSL provider with over 100,000 customers across 150 countries. Their certificates provide 256-bit SSL encryption and they come with a range of identifiable GeoTrust® True Site Seals that can indicate to users that your website is secure.

A basic QuickSSL Premium certificate is available for $68.50/yr and advanced Extended Validation and Wildcard certificates are available at $149/yr and $384/yr respectively.


Symantec is one of the most reputable names when it comes to SSL certification. Their website places special emphasis on security since they provide 256-bit encryption and a Norton Secured Seal, and all their certificates have a built-in Malware Scanning feature for added protection. They also have a reliable 24/7 customer support service.

Symantec offers a range of SSL/TLS certificates, from basic certificates like Secure Site and Secure Site with EV to advanced certificates like Secure Site Wildcard. However, their services are also considerably expensive, ranging from $279/yr to $1,999/yr. Symantec was purchased by DigiCert in 2017.


In short, the most trusted certificate authority list according to us is as follows:

  • DigiCert
  • RapidSSL
  • GeoTrust
  • Symantec

In this list of trusted certificate authorities, we’ve provided you with a detailed overview of these certificate authorities’ various features and differences. Now it’s up to you to decide which of these is most suitable for your SSL needs.

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